Posts in 1 Minute in Utopia
New Wine

"The truth was that I was comfortable with what I had. Comfort zones are just that—comfortable. And so is tradition. It is safe, a great place to hide. But it is also the enemy of innovation and the destroyer of new thought. It can hold back the wisdom of creativity and squelch the dreams of man. And in the long run, it could conceivably steal talent."

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Freedom Through Disruption

Johnny said, "I believe greatness is revealed in the unorthodoxy of life. It is in thinking out of the box labeled ‘comfort zone’ that we discover truth. Our box is nothing but a self-imposed prison, a trap set for unsuspecting souls. My passion in life is to set people free from their boxes.…"

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Missing Moments

…on the ranch the roads were too bumpy to be in a hurry. Maybe the pace of life is relative to the roads we choose to drive. Whereas good roads may quicken our step to our next destination, Gandhi once said, ‘There is more to life than increasing its speed.’

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Take Heart

When you start giving away the territory of your God-given dreams, you in essence are giving away a part of your heart. God says to guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life… God is looking for contenders for the field. The great adventure awaits all who are willing to step out in faith to save their own dreams and guard the dreams of others.

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Open and Closed Doors

Setting goals is truly an art. It takes creativity to get them just right. And often you have to be willing to adjust them due to unforeseen situations (injuries, unforeseen environmental or personal happenings, changes of direction, etc.).

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In my experience, I have found that success can be just as distracting as a failure. Mental chaos can rule if we don’t have a tangible bulletproof go to focus. Keep your goal or focus points in strategic and creative places that you can easily see as you go through life.

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The Secret

This is the secret. I have never seen this in a book. Those who become champions set different types of goals than others. Their goals have four distinct elements. They are specific, tangible, difficult, and self-referenced. That is the secret.…

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