Dr. Cook has been speaking to men’s events and churches for the past three decades. For samples of his topics watch “Backstory” on this page and then go to “Seven Lessons from Utopia” on the site as well for seven other presentations.
David brings his experience from working with World Champions in sport and business and filters it through the lens of God’s word. Topics relating to “Greatness,” “Living Beyond Success,” “Taking a Journey of Awe,” “Success to Significance,” “Becoming a Dream Guardian,” and “Spiritual Toughness,” are just a few of the topics he has been called to share.
David served for years on the speaking faculty for Man in the Mirror Ministries crisscrossing the country to headline men’s events. He shared the platform often with his mentor the late Zig Ziglar and has preached at notable churches such as Oak Hills Church (Max Lucado) and 2nd Baptist Houston (Ed Young).