Selfless Exceptionalism
“When you forget about yourself and focus on those with whom I cross your path, your performance (in business, life, or sport) will soar and you will live fearlessly, knowing neither failure nor victory has any hold on you. When you choose this path you will find life; you will be filled to overflowing with what victory can’t deliver. You will be relentlessly competitive yet full of grace, tenacious yet full of peace. And if you trust me (God) instead of resisting you will receive soul freedom.”
Fearless living happens when we perform for an audience of one, God, and focus on making the lives of those around us better. When we perform for our identity or self-worth, fear ensues. To be great we must move beyond selfish ambition and instead pursue selfless exceptionalism (I call this greatness in my new book). I often wonder what our families, teams, companies, communities, and nation would be like if we embraced selfless exceptionalism. I have a feeling it would be awe-inspiring.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Philippians 2: 3-4 NIV