Focus, Passion, Mental Toughness
““Focus, Passion, Mental Toughness. That’s it. When these three elements are combined, they become the greatest predictor of success, or exceptionalism, as we will refer to it in this book.
1. Where do you want to go? (Focus)
2. How bad do you want to get there? (Passion)
3. Do you have the mental skills needed to handle the adversity along the journey? (Mental Toughness)
The depth and clarity with which you answer these questions says it all. I have never met a competitor in business, sport, or life who desires to fail. However, I meet daily with performers who consistently fail to reach their true potential when it means the most – game day. They don’t fail because they don’t try; they fail because o their answers to these three questions. They fail because they are missing a few pieces to the performance puzzle.” ”
Come join me on this performance adventure. It took nearly 40 years to pen this new book -- greatness. This limited distribution, author signed gift book is ready for you now just in time for this unprecedented time in your life and the life of our country.
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