Heaven's Standing Ovation
“I was learning that each step on the journey was another battle for freedom from fear. Before meeting Johnny, fear had often been the overriding theme of my nighttime dreams. They were a shadow of the intruder that had hitched a ride on my conscious journey as well. More often than not, my life’s aspirational dreams had been abandoned to fear.”
I have noticed that each step of faith in life is a battle with fear. Each courageous step you take in the face of fear is a victory. I have also realized that the next step of faith requires more courage than the last. But the victory each time is oh so great. The enemy’s ploy is always fear. God’s antidote is always faith. Each time we trust God the applause in heaven is deafening, and the implications down here are resounding. Today, take a courageous step toward the dreams God has deposited inside of your heart. There is a standing ovation waiting in heaven.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
- Joshua 1:9 NIV