“When Academy Award winner Robert Duvall and Hollywood descended upon Utopia, Texas, to make a movie, Seven Days in Utopia, no one could have predicted what would happen. While the film critics were spewing their wrath about the faith-based aspects of the film and the unconventional ending, millions of movie-goers were clamoring for the answer to the question, “Did he make the putt?” The answer and much more was strategically revealed to the curious at didhemaketheputt.com.”
10 years ago this weekend the movie Seven Days in Utopia was launched in theaters across the nation and world. What you may not know is that during the making of the movie the ending as written in the book and screenplay was causing controversy on the movie set. At various times I was told that the golfer would not use the Face-On method of putting, I was told the putt had to go in, and I was told under no circumstances would there be a website at the end. The enemy was attempting to destroy the movie from within. However the true heroes of this movie were the investors—the owners of the final product. They each had read the book and wanted that story as written to be told on the big screen, especially the ending. So, by the grace of God and His call to be uncompromising for His purpose that would unfold across these past 10 years, I was able to hold the ending as written because of the investors. Here is what happened. Over 2 million people have gone to the site: didhemaketheputt.com where the ending is revealed along with an invitation for a life-changing adventure with Jesus. 18,000 people to date sent their buried lies to us to physically bury in Utopia and let us know that they crossed the line with Christ. That is an average of 1800 people entering eternity per year or 150 per month. If the putt had been made there would be 0. If the website at the end had been blocked, there would be 0. God rescued the movie ending to rescue His sons and daughters.
Along the way, another attack from the enemy came. Our distributor stole our movie along with 350 other movies and declared bankruptcy. The movie went black for about five years. You couldn’t find it anywhere to stream. Again our investors got involved and legally wrangled the movie away from the distributor and gifted it to our ministry. Since then we have had an incredible resurgence in viewership. More people have seen the movie in the past two years than in the previous eight. Only God… He specializes in resurrections…
Celebrate God’s goodness, faithfulness, creativity, protection, and purpose with me this weekend. Go to Amazon Prime and re-visit the movie with your family and friends. And for the unbelievable backstory of this journey, please get the book I released last year: Did He Make The Putt: The Question That Changed Eternity. It is available at the link below.
“He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.”
- Psalm 18:17 NIV
God is on a rescue mission. His strategy is replete with a maze of intricate moments linked together with mystic wonder that will leave you awestruck. When we accept the invitation to join Him, our individual stories create a tapestry of such beauty and awe that the hopeless begin to hope again, the weak become fearless, and the voiceless roar. Revelation is shouted throughout every backstory—the bigger story God is writing. It is the way God enters mankind.
Join Dr. Cook as he shares the awe-inspiring backstory of how this seemingly insignificant question, “Did he make the putt,” became the centerpiece to a divine rescue mission in the small village of Utopia, Texas.